Emilie Seto

Chengdu landscape
Marseille landscape
Marseille landscape
Marseille landscape
Editorial illustration - Le Monde
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Billboard illustration for the So Good fest
Chengdu landscape
Marseille landscape
Marseille landscape
Marseille landscape
Editorial illustration - Le Monde
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Billboard illustration for the So Good fest
Chengdu landscape
Marseille landscape
Marseille landscape
Marseille landscape
Editorial illustration - Le Monde
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Editorial illustration - The Financial Times
Billboard illustration for the So Good fest
I'm a French illustrator working for clients such as Google, The Financial Times, Le Monde, Die Zeit, la Poste, Palais de Tokyo, etc. My work has been shown in France, China and New York.

Emilie Seto is currently: Available

Current Location: FranceMarseille

Languages Spoken: EnglishFrench

Country of Origin: France