Jamie Edward

Easy Girl
Melbourne 1981 (Fil22plm)
Monster Children
J'adore Art - Fernando Botero, Man on Horse
Park Fest
Art Mob
Easy Girl
Melbourne 1981 (Fil22plm)
Monster Children
J'adore Art - Fernando Botero, Man on Horse
Park Fest
Art Mob
Easy Girl
Melbourne 1981 (Fil22plm)
Monster Children
J'adore Art - Fernando Botero, Man on Horse
Park Fest
Art Mob
My work is inspired by the natural world and all the weird and wonderful creatures within it. I am interested in creating narrative driven worlds with colourful characters that fall somewhere between cute and bizarre. I enjoy working in traditional and digital mediums, across small and large formats, from brand marks to large murals. Spanning government, corporate and community sectors, this work has enabled me to travel around Australia and overseas. A career highlight has been scribing at the United Nations in New York for the 2018 Global Youth Summit.

Jamie Edward is currently: Available

Current Location: AustraliaHobart

Country of Origin: Australia