Justin Cassano

Facebook: World Mental Health Day
Bowery Farming: Illustration System
Grounded: A Hudson Valley Walking Group
LA Times: Newsletter Illustration
Data Ethics Product Illustrations
Top Sleep Positions of 2022
Facebook Messenger: Sticker Pack
Neighbors: A World of Characters
Facebook: World Mental Health Day
Bowery Farming: Illustration System
Grounded: A Hudson Valley Walking Group
LA Times: Newsletter Illustration
Data Ethics Product Illustrations
Top Sleep Positions of 2022
Facebook Messenger: Sticker Pack
Neighbors: A World of Characters
Facebook: World Mental Health Day
Bowery Farming: Illustration System
Grounded: A Hudson Valley Walking Group
LA Times: Newsletter Illustration
Data Ethics Product Illustrations
Top Sleep Positions of 2022
Facebook Messenger: Sticker Pack
Neighbors: A World of Characters
I'm an illustrator and art director working across brand, editorial, animation and product.

Justin Cassano is currently: Available

Current Location: United StatesNew York

Languages Spoken: English

Country of Origin: United States