Kasia Bojanowska

A Virtual World. Enter Here
Customer centred product design
Chatbots without guardrails
Machine learning
In app messaging
Coding culture
Cyber defence
Revenue sources
A Virtual World. Enter Here
Customer centred product design
Chatbots without guardrails
Machine learning
In app messaging
Coding culture
Cyber defence
Revenue sources
A Virtual World. Enter Here
Customer centred product design
Chatbots without guardrails
Machine learning
In app messaging
Coding culture
Cyber defence
Revenue sources
Kasia is an illustrator and art director in love with strong colors, geometry and noisy patterns. She brings high energy to her design process and visualising abstract concepts is her forte.

Kasia Bojanowska is currently: Available

Current Location: PolandKrakow

Languages Spoken: English

Country of Origin: Poland